Orders are fulfilled as soon as possible. However, some items may be on back order so the shipping time can vary. When you want to know your items shipping processing, You just need to click the tracking number on your email we sent to you. You will get the processing details. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
4. How Long the Forest Coral Order Processing
Order process takes about 1-2 business days if order products In Stock:
Customer Orders -> Warehouse Picking (in stock) -> Print order information -> Shiping
Order process takes about 3-5 business days if order products Out of Stock:
Customer Orders -> Warehouse Picking (Out of stock) -> Factory Manufacturing Prints -> Ship after the printed
So the Order processing time frame is 2-5 business days.
Customs taxes vary by country and will be charged according to the local customs policies. If you were required to pay a customs fee, please contact our Customer Care Team for further assistance.
If your shipping address is located in a rural community, you may have to pick up your package from your regional post office. For rural or remote regions, please allow an additional 1-2 days for delivery. We appreciate your patience!
If your order has already been shipped, we will be unable to redirect it. Here are some alternate options:
- Once the package has been delivered to your regional post office, you can contact the post office directly to request them to redirect it to an alternate address. Please note that this is done at the discretion of the postal office.
- If you need further assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team - we're more than happy to help!
If you don't receive your package on time, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Team. As a friendly reminder, all shipping times listed in the chart above are calculated in business days and do not include weekends.